A Message from Superintendent Trail
Welcome to the Royal School District! On behalf of our Board of Directors and staff, I thank you for your interest in our school district. It is an honor to serve the children and patrons of our community. Each year our employees work vigorously to provide high quality educational experiences for our students. We strive to offer a safe and positive learning environment that will facilitate a successful future. In doing so, we make every effort to improve academic achievement on a daily basis.
As the superintendent for the Royal School District, I look forward to getting to know students, staff and patrons as I continue to integrate myself and family into the community. Learning about Royal’s culture and history has truly been a fascinating experience.
It is my sincerest expectation that your students have a wonderful and successful experience while attending Royal Schools. I invite parents and community members to become actively involved in their students’ educational experiences. Additionally, I would encourage everyone to visit any of our four schools and see the exciting educational activities that are taking place. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (509) 346-2222.

Royal School District #160