Comprehensive School Counseling Program

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Royal School District Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Use of Standards

Supportive Resource: Self-Assessment Section 1


Districts must develop a comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) that uses state and nationally recognized counselor frameworks and is systemically aligned to state learning standards

Considerations for Districts:

  • Alignment with district’s Strategic Goals
  • Collaboration with school counselors regarding the incorporation of standards
  • Professional development around school counseling standards
  • The Royal School District Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) will align to these standards in the three school counseling domains of Academic, College & Career, and Social-Emotional Development:
  • ASCA Mindsets & Behavior Standards
  • WA SEL Standards

Use of Data

Supportive Resource: Self-Assessment Section 2


The district CSCP must provide a process for identifying student needs through a multilevel school data review and analysis that includes, at a minimum:

  • Use of time data
  • Program results data
  • Data regarding communications with administrators, parents, students, and stakeholders

Considerations for Districts:

  • Alignment with district’s Strategic Goals
  • Collaboration with school counselors regarding how data will be used to inform the identification of student needs
  • Professional development around use-of-data
  • Collaboration with district data support teams to procure necessary data

The Royal School District Comprehensive School Counseling Program will identify student needs through the district MTSS process.
The following data will be included for examination:

  • Use of time data
    • Royal School District school counselors implementing the CSCP will perform a use-of-time study at least 3 times per year, fall, winter, and spring.

Each building will choose a 2 week time span in October, January, and again in April to utilize the SCUTA use-of-time tool.

  • Program results data (ex. pre and post test data delivered with classroom lessons and small groups)
  • Data regarding communications with administrators, parents, students, and stakeholders.
  • Achievement Data: Grades and test scores from diagnostics.
  • Behavior Data: Skyward.
  • Attendance Data: Skyward

Utilize late start Mondays for teaming around data calibration and analysis. Professional development on use of SCUTA.
Reports made to stakeholders at least each semester regarding data results (school board, staff, parents, administration). Results will also be shared with stakeholders using available public platforms.


The district CSCP must establish an annual review and assessment process for the comprehensive school counseling program that includes building administrators and stakeholders.

The Royal School District, alongside school counselors (and other ESAs assigned to implement the CSCP, if applicable), building administrators, and other stakeholders will review the comprehensive school counseling program annually.

  • The process will include the following data and processes:
    • Annual administrative meeting

Use of Time

Supportive Resource: Self-Assessment Section 3


The district CSCP must explain how direct and indirect services will be delivered through the comprehensive school counseling program

  • 80% of school counselors’ or other ESAs’ work time is spent on direct and indirect services for students, aligned with the standards developed by a national organization representing school counselors.

Considerations for Districts:

  • Collective bargaining agreements/contracts and the allowable activities detailed within them
  • Staffing considerations related to who will be providing which services considering the suggestions for use of school counselor time
  • Professional development around use-of-time and effective teaming between school counselors and building administrative staff
  • Stipends for staff to provide services that do not fall into the recommended use-of-time duties of school counselors

The school counselors will deliver direct and indirect services during 80% of their contracted Comprehensive School Counseling Program work time. Royal School district will create the environment for school counselors to spend 80% of their time delivering direct and indirect services by:

  • Understanding current non-counseling tasks assigned to school counselors and working to re-assign them to non-counseling staff. Identified barriers: 504s, SPED referrals, making the master schedule.
  • Providing professional development for school counselors, other ESAs, administrators, and others to create better alignment to the ASCA national model. Including understanding counseling/ non-counseling duties, use of SCUTA, templates and guidelines provided by ASCA.
  • Calendar of counseling program activities for the year.
  • Use of time data
    • Royal School District school counselors implementing the CSCP will perform a use-of-time study at least 3 times per year fall, winter, and spring.

Each building will choose a 2 week time span in October, January, and again in April to utilize the SCUTA use-of-time tool.

Use of Personnel

Supportive Resource: Self-Assessment Section 4


The district CSCP must be implemented by school counselors or other educational staff associates for the purpose of guiding students in academic pursuits, career planning, and social-emotional learning.

Considerations for Districts:

  • Collective bargaining agreements/contracts and the allowable activities detailed within them
  • Staffing considerations related to who will be providing which services considering the suggestions for use of school counselor time
  • Professional development around use-of-time and effective teaming between school counselors and building administrative staff
  • Stipends for staff to provide services that do not fall into the recommended use-of-time duties of school counselors

Royal School District CSCP will be implemented by building school counselors.


  • By the beginning of the 2022-23 school year each school district shall develop and implement a written plan for a comprehensive school counseling program that is based on regularly updated standards developed by a national organization representing school counselors.

  • Prior to the 2022-23 school year, each school district board of directors must, within existing funds, adopt a transition plan for developing and implementing a comprehensive school counseling program plan.
